• How is company information sourced?
  • Each company lists the sources used to detail its link to Russia, please refer to the summary at the bottom of the result upon searching a company ticker.

  • Why has Russia invaded Ukraine?
  • This is a complex geopolitical question that is difficult to summarise, we will attempt to give a very basic overview here but recommend further materials to get a better understanding of the numerous factors at play.

    The primary perceived motivations behind the invasion are:

    1. Putin's attachment to the 'golden era' of Soviet Union power, and his desire to turn Eastern Europe back to that state;
    2. Access to key natural resources that could change the balance of the economies in the region;
    3. The perceived threat to Russia's power that comes from Ukraine considering joining the NATO alliance; and
    4. Putin does not believe that Ukraine is a proper independent state.

  • Are you affiliated with any agency/government/body etc.?
  • No.

  • What is the best way to show my disapproval of the invasion of Ukraine?
  • Currently by far the best way to show your disapproval is by contacting your government, and urging they use their powers to impose punishments upon Russia as they see appropriate.

    Following this, donating to approved charities with a track record of aid will help impact the recovery effort directly. A list of worldwide charities for this can be found at the link below.


  • What are world bodies currently doing about the conflict?
  • Consulting widely regarding your news and using sources with a proven track record of exceptional and unbiased reporting is likely the best way to get as clear a picture as possible regarding ongoing developments.

    Approaching all popular news outlets with skepticism and critical thinking is encouraged, there will always be some form of bias in reporting, but working to minimise this and consuming different perspectives will help develop the fullest picture possible.

    Some reputable global news outlets with ongoing live updates regarding the conflict are linked below:


  • How can I support the site?
  • Share it and urge others to take some form of action.